wisconsin law enforcement accreditation group

​​​​Excellence  Integrity  Professionalism


WILEAG Executive Director Katie Wrightsman
Email: executive.director@wileag.info

WILEAG staff member providing guidance, forms and templates while serving as a liaison to the Wisconsin Law Enforcement
Accreditation Group Governing Board.​

WILEAG Dropbox - Free Access

WILEAG provides all its participating agencies secure access to files that will assist in completing the self-assessment process. The files include access to IACP model policies, IACP white papers, sample polices from WI agencies, WILEAG PowerPoints, 4th & 5th Edition documents, 1st & 2nd Edition CSVP documents, accreditation manager documents and Darlington/West Milwaukee CSVP assessor reviews.

Please contact the WILEAG Executive Director to be invited to this secure resource.

Wisconsin Police Accreditation Coalition

President – Grand Chute Police Department Captain Colette Jaeger
Vice President  - Whitewater Police Deputy Chief Dan Meyer 
Secretary – Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office Captain Lara Vendola-Messer 
Treasurer – Muskego Police Department Administrative Assistant Lisa Mack​

​Wisconsin Police Accreditation Coalition is committed to professional excellence and serves to enhance the quality of Wisconsin law enforcement service through promoting and supporting the concept of police accreditation. Through information sharing, network development and collaborative trainings, we assist our member agencies in achieving their goal of becoming accredited.

Cities, Villages Mutual Insurance Company


 Access to up-to-date standards that have gone through legal review, the CVMIC newsletter, have staff trained as assessors (the level of understanding about accreditation goes up dramatically) and members can attend CVMIC / WILEAG co-sponsored programs for free.


Jerry Matysik
Regional Support Manager
Lexipol, LLC
Office:  949-276-9970
Cell:  715-828-6337

Policy Writing, Policy Updates, and Training. The training (Daily Training Bulletins) consists of real-life scenario-based training with an emphasis on high-risk, low-frequency events. The Daily Training Bulletins can be completed in just a few minutes. As Lexipol President Gordon Graham says, “Every Day is a Training Day.” Fee based on agency size. WMMIC and WCMIC each contribute to the costs of a subscription.

Deer Creek Technologies
Tom Frank
Email: tfrank@deercreektech.com


 DCT provides software applications (document management, training, early warning system) to assist organizations with increasing employee knowledge, lower agency risk, correct performance issues, and track use of force.   Many agencies are using DCT to provide proofs for WILEAG accreditation.  We have partnered with WILEAG to provide our document management software for the organization.  Our cost structure is affordable for agencies of any size.


Email: sales@prophoenix.com

 ProPhoenix has a singular vision to shift the paradigm of the public safety industry by creating and delivering leading application software through the use of state of the art technology and techniques. They are achieving this goal by providing competitively priced solutions, employing best practices and lessons learned, and most of all by listening to the needs and ideas of our clients in the evolution of the Phoenix software.

​PowerDMS works with 3,000 law enforcement agencies by helping them streamline their policy, training, and accreditation management processes. Visit https://www.powerdms.com/new-berlin-police-department-case-study/ to read how the New Berlin Police Department utilized PowerDMS during their last WILEAG reaccreditation, saving them hundreds of hours of time and effort.



PowerDMS Article